You should make sure a clip’s internal tempo map is correct before using any of the tempo-related commands in the AudioSnap palette.

You can easily remap the tempo map, if necessary. A batchstream object is used to configure the calibrator. For example, SONAR might detect a tempo of 120 BPM when the actual tempo is 240 BPM, or a beat may be mapped to the wrong transient. For TensorRT to use the calibration files, you must create a batchstream object. Make sure the calibration files are representative of the overall inference data files. In the meantime it remains part of Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE (and you can always use those JAR files, without a license, provided you don't try to use PE- or EE- specific functionality). Import TensorRT: import tensorrt as trt Similar to test/validation datasets, use a set of input files as a calibration dataset. However, I think that in the build (and certainly in the Maven upload) we got this wrong, which is something we need to fix. It was our intent to contrinue to distribute the XQJ support in Saxon as a separate module for those who want it.

some of the Lunix distributions) to disqualify the whole of Saxon-HE from getting their open-source stamp of approval. While these may seem perfectly sensible rules to you and me, it is a sufficient departure from open source principles for some people (e.g. In the meantime it remains part of Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE (and you can always use those JAR files, without a license, provided you don't try to use PE- or EE- specific functionality).
I have personally used these methods in Cubase 7 and Cubase 7.5.The XQJ package was deliberately removed from the main saxon-he JAR file because it was pointed out to us by people who care about these things that the XQJ license is not "open source" in the strictest sense of the term for open-source zealots it does not qualify because Oracle (who license it) insist that the interface cannot be modified, and that it cannot be distributed with an implementation unless the implementation passes all the compatibility tests. However, I think that in the build (and certainly in the Maven upload) we got this wrong, which is something we need to fix.

Method 2: Warp the audio so it stays with the project's tempo track This dialog allows you to have Cubase automatically add tempo changes to match your audio track's tempo fluctuations with great precision.